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Welcome to NewCompAss-欢迎来到 NewCompAss


Experts in pharmaceutical and medical products consulting

New CompAss pharmaceutical and health care consultancy services is based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  We provide consultancy services on regulatory requirements for manufacturers or license holders of pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food & nutrition products and medical devices, who are considering marketing their products in Ethiopia, We also provide advice and support for existing or aspiring businesses engaged in marketing the above-mentioned products in a number of specialist areas.

Our services in a nutshell

  • compiling and submitting a dossier of common Technical information of new pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food & nutrition, and Medical products to EFDA for registering and reregistering of the products
  • Setting Quality assurance and pre-Audit activities
  • Advice the customer on market entry strategies for new products.
  • Provide Import and Export support.
  • provide Tender and regulatory representations   

The team at New CompAss Consultancy services is composed of experienced professionals from various disciplines.

Pharmaceutical products-醫藥產品


Food and Nutrition-食物和營養






@ NewCompAss Pharmaceutical and Medical consultancy – Ethiopia